SEDAŞ started the SAP® PDP Project in the beginning of 2021. First of all, personal data inventories prepared by SEDAŞ were transferred directly to SAP®. With the PDP solution, authorized users can view personal data according to their authority roles, while unauthorized users see all personal data as masked.
With the PDP solution, users will be able to follow clarification texts, explicit consents,
anonymization, and destruction processes through SAP®.
With this project, it has been ensured that the GDPR measures are taken and managed
centrally, not in parts, but in a way that considers both personal data security and all
related processes.
The project was successfully put into live use on March 8, 2021. Afterwards, live support
was given for 2 weeks.
With the SAP® PDP project, processes in both SEDAŞ’s ERP and CRM systems are followed in
accordance with GDPR.